Progress Consulting is a member of the Global Network of Partners for
The Strategy Management Group & The Balanced Scorecard Institute
Strategy Management Group (SMG) & Balanced Scorecard Institute (BSI) have 25+ Years of Global Experience around the Globe
SMG & BSI provide consulting, training, and professional certification services to commercial, government, and non-profit organizations worldwide.
Consulted for hundreds of organizations in over 80 countries since 1997.
Trained over 18,000 strategic planning, balanced scorecard, KPI (performance measurement), or project management practitioners worldwide
Co-certified, with The George Washington University Center for Excellence in Public Leadership, part of the College of Professional Studies, over 9,000 BSC, KPI, and OKR Professionals since 2005
Established themselves as strategic planning and project management experts, as one of the few organizations in the world that is both an Approved Learning Provider for the International Association for Strategy Professionals (IASP) and an Authorized Training Partner for the Project Management Institute (PMI)

As Progress Consulting is part of the Global Partner Network for the Balanced Scorecard Institute, we deliver our Strategy engagements using their worldwide leading framework of best practices for building and implementing strategies using Balanced Scorecards.

“Building & Implementing a Balanced Scorecard: Nine Steps to Success™”
BSI’s award-winning framework for strategic planning and management, Nine Steps to Success™, is a disciplined, practical, and tested approach to developing a strategic planning and management system based on balanced scorecards that meets the demand of government, NPOs and private sector.

Using a disciplined process involving employees throughout the organization along with a training-based approach, employees at all levels learn to think strategically, a skill that is empowering for them and powerfully beneficial for the organization.
Our approach makes the academic practical and helps leaders, managers and all employees cut through the theory and jargon and learn to effectively “connect the dots".
SMG / BSI worked with and advised hundreds of organizations in over 80 countries with a wide range of clients that included: federal, government, military, education, business, and non-profit. With the Global Network, we possess an extended footprint with a possession of an extended pool of experts & consultants.
The Balanced Scorecard Institute (BSI), was the original certifying body for balanced scorecard practitioners since 2005 when it created international balanced scorecard certification standards with its Professional Certification Program.
The program, which includes two levels of certification: Balanced Scorecard Professional™ (BSP) and Balanced Scorecard Master Professional™ (BSMP), is offered & co-certified in association with the George Washington University Center for Excellence in Public Leadership, part of the College of Professional Studies.
The full scale of BSI’s training and certification addresses, Strategic planning, Balanced scorecards, KPIs / Performance Measurement, OKRs and Strategy execution.
These programs are offered onsite in both English & Arabic to Progress Consulting Customers as part of our Strategy Enablement Services